gaiasafe filter products for well water purification

Especially in those areas of the world where drinking water works and drinking water distribution infrastructure is not wide spread most people consume drinking water out of wells. In some of these areas wells are contaminated by toxic concentrations of heavy metals or metalloids.

Especially in many parts of Bangladesh and North India within the area around the Ganges delta 40 million people suffer from poisonous concentrations of arsenic in their well water. Cancer, invalidism and early death are the results of the poisoning of the hit population.

The gaiasafe filters which are so simple to use without any need of technical device could help these people to clean their drinking water.

Call for parties interested in licenses for production or sales of gaiasafe filter products in Bangladesh / North-India

We want to bring gaiasafe filters as soon as possible to the Bangladesh / North-India consumer market for purification of drinking water from the contaminated wells. Parties which are interested in licenses for production or sales of gaiasafe filter products in these areas are invited to contact us.